The Making of Baba Matata Film

By East Fun Zone Creatives Youth Group From Machakos

Team Imara

Joshua N Stephen AKA Alkamania Darlington (Right) with members of East Fun Zone Creatives Youth Group

We sat down with Alkamania Darlington to know more about East Fun Zone as per the interview below:

  1. What makes a good film according to you?

Plot and dialogue is what makes a good film. Below are the key elements:

  • (I) Script
  • (II) Character
  • (III) Acting
  • (IV) Timing
  • (V) Sound
  • (VI) Visuals


by Mtaani Konnect Youth Group from Nakuru

Team Imara

Cinemadamare Africa chapter 2019, being the biggest gathering of young filmmakers in the world and for the first time coming to Africa, Kenya, was a million-dollar opportunity for all filmmakers coming together, sharing ideas and experiences as well as travelling for 5 weeks to 5 renowned counties to produce and screen the films to the community. The main objectives of moving from these counties, namely NAIROBI, KISUMU, NYANDARUA, MAKUENI & MOMBASA, were to give a platform to all young filmmakers from across the world to network, learn from each other, and tell their own stories and how the devolution government has improved the filmmaking industry in those different counties.

The Making of Made For More

by Ni Yetu Productions Group from Machakos

Team Imara

Today we are talking to Ni Yetu Productions Group Leader - Mutiso Mtongwe Mutua. We asked him some questions to know more about him and his group

  1. How do you ensure that your video storyboards measure up?

Intentions- What are we intended to portray according to the script but not to our imagination and thinking as director or actors.

The Making of Picha Deadly Film

by Arachnid Entertainment Youths from Kajiado

Team Imara

Picha deadly is an entertaining and educative animated short film series shedding light on the issue of pornography among the youth. It was produced by Arachnid Entertainment youth group. We had a brief interview with their group leader below to know more about the group.

How did you hear of Imara TV? (e.g. social media, friends, our website, or an event)

Through social media

ICRH-K-Sponsor Film Impact Report

by Genexo Youth Group from Mombasa

Team Imara

The International Center For Reproductive Health-Kenya (ICRH-K) sponsored the Genexo youth group from Mtwapa, Kenya to produce 2 TV series. The group is an informal live drama and music group who performed high school setbooks or open–air theater events in Mombasa. It has a total of 24 youth members who live within the Coast region of Kenya.